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Colombian Billionaires Sit Down to Chat with Left Wing President

  • By Mario Pinzón
  • 24 November, 2023
  • 0 Comment

One of the phrases that President Petro has repeated on several occasions is that “in Colombia, the government is not the same as power.” Power is held by a small group of companies and corporations for several decades now. And that small group of people who concentrate power and wealth in Colombia have last names like Sarmiento, Ardila, Santodomingo, Gilinski, or Carvajal. These economic entities represent the true power in Colombia, controlling banks, media, the agro-food industry, and various other sectors of the industry. They have influenced the election of presidents, prosecutors, and even the control of Colombian football. Few things have not been under the control of these billionaires who met with the first left-wing president in Colombia’s history.

It is very significant that this conversation is happening, considering that among all the things these economic groups manage is the construction of public opinion, as the owners of the largest media outlets in the country are among the attendees of this meeting. These conglomerates have waged a fierce ideological war against Gustavo Petro for years. These conglomerates had always been close to the traditional ruling classes that Petro defeated in 2022.

The importance of this meeting is that if Petro could build bridges with this group of people, it could mark a significant change in Colombia. Starting with media coverage and the evident anti-left bias of the mainstream media in Colombia, which during the first 14 months of Petro’s government tried to destabilize and weaken the government. And according to the presidential business advisor, Juan Fernández, the meeting “did not go well, it went very well.”

The VIP List

The historic meeting between President Gustavo Petro and the leaders of Colombia’s most powerful conglomerates, organized by Laura Sarabia and Juan Fernández, marked a significant moment in Colombian politics. Among the attendees were renowned figures such as Luisa and Carlos Eduardo Pacheco of Colpatria; Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo and his son, from the Aval Group; Carlos Julio Ardila, from the Ardila Lülle Organization; Alejandro Santo Domingo and Carlos Alejandro Pérez, from Valorem; César Caicedo from Colombina; Carlos Enrique Cavelier from Alquería; and Harold Eder from the Manuelita Group. These names not only represent a significant portion of the country’s economic power but also have a vast influence in shaping public opinion through their media networks.

Conversation Points

The dialogue with these business titans focused on several key issues for Colombia’s future. Petro presented his vision of a more inclusive and equitable country, where the needs of the most vulnerable communities are addressed, while also promoting economic growth.

Education and Productivity: Petro emphasized the need for quality education throughout Colombia, given its importance to national productivity. This focus on education aims to enhance human development as an essential driver for economic progress.

Territorial Inclusion: Special emphasis was placed on the inclusion of historically marginalized regions, such as the Pacific coast and La Guajira, as well as the industrial development of the Orinoquía, a long-cherished dream of Petro.

Productive Land Use: The conversation also revolved around the need to maximize the productivity of Colombia’s most fertile lands, which represents significant potential for the country.

Development of the Popular Economy: Finally, the importance of developing the popular economy, offering greater credit opportunities and access to the financial system for small traders, one of the country’s largest labor forces, was discussed.

These points reflect a pragmatic yet visionary approach by President Petro, who seeks to build bridges with the business sector to address Colombia’s structural challenges. The meeting established the framework for ongoing national dialogue, focused on education, productivity, territorial inclusion, and the strengthening of the popular economy and financial inclusion. At the end of the meeting, Petro reiterated the need to continue building permanent dialogues with the entire business community, a crucial step for peace and progress in Colombia.

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