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Petrocalypse and the Act of Opposition

If, from a place of ignorance, we quickly survey the dominant Colombian media, it’s easy and almost inevitable to conclude that Colombia is undergoing a Petrocalypse. Everything is going wrong; nothing can go right. The “pink” romantic progressive left, the politics of Love and Total Peace promoted by Gustavo Petro, has spectacularly failed in its […]

  • Mario Pinzón
    Mario Pinzón
  • 19 June, 2024

The Necessity of Perspective Change in Colombia

It is difficult to even imagine a complete cultural change in Colombia, let alone believe that someday there will be a total cultural change in Colombia, magically turning us into a tolerant, rational country capable of collective compassion, which would benefit us greatly. However, if this much-needed cultural change is to begin in any way, […]

  • Mario Pinzón
    Mario Pinzón
  • 16 January, 2024

Is There Hope for Colombia?

It was a crazy year the 2023. Globally, we’re witnessing a pole shift. Regionally, major changes are happening every few months. And in Colombia, the uncertainty is almost palpable. After fifteen months of the new progressive government, a lot of things are being said about the future of the country. Media and traditional powers are […]

  • Mario Pinzón
    Mario Pinzón
  • 20 December, 2023

How Viable is Green Capitalism in Colombia and the World?

Much speculation surrounded the ideological shift that the economic policy of the new Colombian government might undertake. Some mentioned socialism and communism. However, after a year of the new administration, it’s clear today that the guidelines being pursued in Colombia can be defined more as green capitalism, driven by a new coalition with progressive tendencies. […]

  • Mario Pinzón
    Mario Pinzón
  • 30 August, 2023

What Happened to the “Castro Chavista” Threat in Colombia?

Back in the 2022 presidential campaign, numerous rumors flooded the media, suggesting that Colombia was on the verge of being taken over by socialism, Marxism, and the so-called Castro-Chavismo if the leftist and progressive candidate Gustavo Petro won. However, today, 11 months after taking office, the reality is quite different. We can now confidently state [...]

  • Mario Pinzón
    Mario Pinzón
  • 3 July, 2023

